Picture this scenario: You’re finally at home, it’s been a long day, your favorite show is about to come on, and sitting on the table there’s a heroic, green, perfectly round nug looking you dead in the face. The sun shines through the window and hits it just right, making the trichomes glimmer and dance like nobody’s watching. You aren’t sure if the choir you’re hearing is real or just in your head. After a deep breath, it’s almost like the rest of your day just disappears. All the ignorance and bullsh*t you’ve been dealing with seems trivial and you’re just glad to have a little peace. That’s what sets the good days apart from the just-alright days… those moments of clarity.
Speaking of clarity… it now becomes clearer than ever that you forgot to stop at the corner store on the way home. With nothing to roll, you look back at the nug. Somehow, it looks sadder. What now?
More often than not, it’s the little things that set if off. Like an avalanche in a movie, disaster is only a shout away. An untrained ganja-naut might get upset, do something rash. The apple on their kitchen counter might cower in fear. But we’ve moved past that, right? Right…?
Suddenly… there’s a knock on the door. The choir comes back. Your delivery has arrived.
Hypotheticals aside, all this and more contributed to the idea behind Stoner Savior. Provide convenience, relieve stress, and save you a trip by bringing the supplies needed for liftoff right to your door. Because the person in this story isn't just you, it's everyone, including us. If we can make your day a little easier, that’s a win for us. At the end of the day it really isn’t rocket science, but we still hope to see you in orbit.